资讯 | 新加坡律师与印度尼西亚律师莅临中银深圳参观交流
时间:2024.05.22   作者:中银律师事务所

       2024年5月21日下午,新加坡葛巴尼律师事务所洪仰东律师(David Y T Ang)、葛斌律师(R. Govintharasah)与其合作律所印尼苏蒂佳律师事务所(Gurbani & Co LLC in association with Sutedja&Partners)Andrew Sutedja律师一行到北京中银(深圳)律师事务所(以下简称“中银深圳”)交流。





Lawyers From Gurbani & Co LLC in Association with Sutedja&Partners Visit Beijing Zhongyin (Shenzhen) Law Firm

On the afternoon of 21 May 2024, David Y T Ang and R. Govintharasah from Gurbani & Co LLC(Singapore), Andrew Sutedja and other lawyers from Gurbani’s partner firm Sutedja & Partners(Indonesia) paid a visit Beijing Zhongyin (Shenzhen) Law Firm.

Yueqi(Vincent) Tan, a senior Partner of Beijing Zhongyin (Shenzhen) Law Firm, Jingjing Zhang , deputy director of the International Business Committee, Yiwen Zhang, secretary of the International Business Committee, Xiaoen Peng(paralegal) and Wenxi Wang(paralegal) participated in the meeting.

At the beginning, David Y T Ang and Andrew introduced the historical development and business type of Gurbani&Co LLC and Sutedja & Partners respectively, and Govintharasah shared recent cases he engaged in.

The meeting is conducted in English. Our lawyers introduced their legal practices. Yueqi(Vincent) Tan then talked about the international business development of Zhongyin(Shenzhen) Law Firm and shared his experience as a counsel in Hong Kong International Arbitration Center (HKIAC) and as an expert witness at the High Court of Hong Kong. Mr. Tan highlighted the case represented by his team that was first heard in English at the Zhuhai Court of International Arbitration.

Through this exchange, both parties have deepened their understanding of the legal markets in China, Singapore and Indonesia, and look forward to have more in-depth exchanges and co-operation in the future, so as to provide diversified and global high-quality legal services for Chinese and foreign clients.
