资讯 | 中银律师受邀参加韩德培法学基金会理事换届选举及韩德培法学奖颁奖典礼
时间:2024.06.07   作者:中银律师事务所




Mr. Yueqi(Vincent) Tan was invited to the election of council of the HAN De-pei Jurisprudence Foundation and attended HAN De-pei Jurisprudence Prize Award Ceremony

From 31 May to 1 June 2024, Mr. Yueqi(Vincent) Tan, a senior partner from Zhongyin(Shenzhen) Law Firm was re-elected as a member of the fourth council of the HAN De-pei Jurisprudence Foundation of Wuhan University and was invited to attend the second and third HAN De-pei Jurisprudence Prize Award Ceremony. As a member council since its inception, Mr. Tan has been actively involved in various legal activities during his tenure, supporting legal education programs and providing assistance to young legal talents by organizing and participating in various academic seminars and legal forums.

Established in 2009, the HAN De-pei Jurisprudence Foundation was set up in the name of Mr. Depei Han , a famous jurist and educator in China, and the pioneer and founder of Chinese environmental jurisprudence, with the aim of promoting Mr. Han’s noble character, spirit of scholarly research and style, rewarding and cultivating excellent talents in the rule of law, and promoting the development of legal education and the prosperity of legal research. In 2019, HAN De-pei Jurisprudence Prize was established under the auspices of Wuhan University and HAN De-pei Jurisprudence Foundation. This award is concluded every two years, with judges consisting of the presidents of law societies, and the selection process is fair, just and open, which is highly praised and acclaimed by the legal field.

The lifetime achievement award of first HAN De-pei Jurisprudence Prize granted to Professor Xi LIANG of Wuhan University and Professor Mingxuan GAO of Renmin University of China. Eight scholars including Prof. Tianbao QIN were awarded the youth originality award. Prof. Jinfan ZHANG of China University of Political Science and Law and Prof. Shuangyuan LI of Hunan Normal University were awarded the lifetime achievement award of the second HAN De-pei Jurisprudence Prize. Prof. Guangzhong CHEN of China University of Political Science and Law and Prof. An CHEN of Xiamen University were counterparts of the third HAN De-pei Jurisprudence Prize. Eight scholars, including Prof. Xin NIE of Tsinghua University were awarded the youth originality award of the second HAN De-pei Jurisprudence Prize and other eight scholars including Prof. Chenjun YOU of Renmin University of China are counterparts of the third HAN De-pei Jurisprudence Prize.
