我所权益合伙人谭岳奇律师先后经过笔试、撰写论文、撰写英文裁决书、同行面试等多种考核方式,最终于2024年11月28日经英国皇家特许仲裁员协会(“CIArb”)正式批准并接纳为 Fellow 高级会员(“FCIArb”)。
2015年,谭岳奇律师加入英国皇家特许仲裁员协会并成为Associate(“ACIArb”)初级会员。2022年4月22日,经英国皇家特许仲裁员协会(“CIArb”)正式批准,谭岳奇律师晋升为Member (“MCIArb”)中级会员。谭岳奇律师拥有多年处理涉外案件的律师实务经验,以及在中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(“CIETAC”)、深圳国际仲裁院(“SCIA”)和武汉仲裁委员会(“WAC”)担任仲裁员处理涉外案件的丰富实践。
英国皇家特许仲裁员协会,英文全称是Chartered Institute of Arbitrators,简称CIArb。该协会于1915年在英国注册成立,1979年,英国女王伊丽莎白二世授予它皇家特许状。CIArb目前在全球范围内的149个国家设立了分会,有17000名专业会员和7500名学生会员,并得到了42个分支机构的国际网络的支持。CIArb为仲裁员、调解人和评审人员提供教育和培训。它还作为从业者、政策制定者、学者和商界人士的全球中心,支持所有ADR方法在全球的推广、促进和发展。CIArb提供了一系列的资源,包括指导、支持、建议、网络和推广机会,以及听证会、会议和其他活动的设施。它是一个非盈利的,在英国注册的慈善机构。
CIArb的会员分为三个级别,分别是Associate,Member和 Fellow,不同级别需要通过不同的课程学习或有着对应年限的工作经验。Associate(“ACIArb”) 译为初级会员;Member (“MCIArb”)译为中级会员;Fellow (“FCIArb”)可译为资深会员或高级会员。
Mr. Yueqi Tan was admitted as a Fellow Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)
Mr. Tan Yueqi, has gone through a variety of assessment methods such as written examination, writing dissertation, writing English awards, peer interviews, etc., and was finally formally approved and admitted as a Fellow of Ciarb (FCIArb) by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) on 28 November 2024.
In 2015, Mr. Tan joined the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and became a Associate of Ciarb (ACIArb). On 22 April 2022, with the formal approval of CIArb, Mr. Tan was promoted to become a Fellow of Ciarb (FCIArb). Mr. Tan has many years of practical experience as a lawyer handling foreign-related cases, and extensive practice as an arbitrator in China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA) and Wuhan Arbitration Commission (WAC) handling foreign-related cases.
About CIArb
CIArb was incorporated in the United Kingdom in 1915 and granted a Royal Charter by Queen Elizabeth II in 1979. CIArb is the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, or CIArb for short, which was incorporated in the United Kingdom in 1915 and granted a Royal Charter by Queen Elizabeth II in 1979. CIArb currently has chapters in 149 countries around the world, with 17,000 professional and 7,500 student members. Supported by an international network of 42 branches, CIArb provides education and training for arbitrators, mediators and assessors. It also serves as a global centre for practitioners, policy makers, academics and business people to support the promotion, facilitation and development of all ADR methods worldwide. ciarb provides a range of resources including guidance, support, advice, networking and outreach opportunities, as well as facilities for hearings, conferences and other events. It is a not-for-profit, UK registered charity.
The membership of the Institute shall consist of three classes of Voting members, namely Associate, Member and Fellow, who may use the respective initials after their names, “ACIArb”, “MCIArb” and “FCIArb” .