本次第三工作组会议主要审议了关于国际投资争端解决咨询中心(Advisory Centre on International Investment Dispute Resolution)运作的首届会议摘要,以及关于投资者-国家争端解决机制(ISDS)改革的多边文书草案。
谭岳奇律师在纽约与Clifford Chance律师事务所,Freshfields律师事务所,Zuber Lawler律师事务所等律师同行见面并进行了交流。北京中银(深圳)律师事务所将持续拓展国际业务版图,致力于提升律所的综合实力与国际影响力。通过积极参与国际法律事务,北京中银(深圳)律师事务所将与法律界同仁携手,共同推进国际法律体系的持续发展。
Tan Yueqi(Vincent) Participates in the 51st session of Working Group III (Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform) of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
From February 17 to 19, 2025, appointed by China Society of Private International Law(CSPIL), a council member of CSPIL and equity partner of Beijing Zhongyin(Shenzhen) Law Firm, Tan Yueqi(Vincent), as one of the observers, participates in the 51st Session of Working Group III of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (“UNCITRAL”) to discuss issues related to the reform of the investor-state dispute settlement.
At its fiftieth session in 2017, the Commission entrusted Working Group III with a broad mandate to work on the possible reform of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS). From its thirty-fourth to thirty-seventh session, the Working Group identified and discussed concerns regarding ISDS and considered that reform was desirable in light of the identified concerns. From its thirty-eighth to forty-eighth session, the Working Group considered concrete solutions for ISDS reform. At its fifty-seventh session in 2024, the Commission adopted the Statute of the Advisory Centre on International Investment Dispute Resolution in principle and further acknowledged that the operationalization of the Advisory Centre would require further preparatory work.
During the first part of the session, the summary of the operationalization of the Advisory Centre on International Investment Dispute Resolution is presented for discussion and exchange of views. The Working Group also continues its deliberations on the multilateral instrument on ISDS reform.
The 51st session of the Working Group III is held in two parts and the second part of which will continue from 7 to 11 April 2025 at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Tan Yueqi(Vincent) meets and exchanges views with fellow lawyers from Clifford Chance, Freshfields, and Zuber Lawler in New York. Beijing Zhongyin (Shenzhen) Law Firm will continue to expand its international business territory, and is committed to enhancing the firm’s comprehensive strength and international influence. By actively participating in international legal affairs, Zhongyin (Shenzhen) Law Firm and its Chinese legal colleagues will work together to promote the continuous development of the international legal system.